Screening for Study Information

You're Invited to Participate in a Vision Research Study

This study is currently not accepting new participants.

You have the opportunity to participate in an NSF study that has IRB approval with Dr. Yaramothu from SAET and Dr. Alvarez from BME. 

If interested, please visit the following link (or scan the QR code to the right) to answer a few short questions, this will take less than 5 minutes to complete.

If you qualify for the vision screening, you will be given a link to a Google Calendar to schedule a  screening with Dr. Scheiman, an Optometrist, located in Room 695 of Fenster Hall on Thursday, January 20th or a later date.  The screening will take about 15 minutes.  No drugs or eye drops are used and nothing will touch your eyes.  If you wear glasses or contacts, please bring them with you. 

After the screening, if you qualify for the NSF study, you will be asked to participate in a virtual reality vision therapy protocol that uses gaming.  It will be 12 sessions of 30 to 45 min each and we try to have you perform two sessions per week.  We work around your schedule.  Then, the final session is a repeat visit with Dr. Scheiman.  For your time, you will receive a $150 Amazon gift card when you completely finish the study.  Nothing touches your eyes during any of the sessions.

Thank you for your interest.