NJIT Implementation of Recent Executive Orders
Transformative Educational Advancement and Mentoring Network (TEAM) (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Funding Agency:
- National Institutes of Health
TC(s) Responsibilities: The intent of TEAM is to pilot the use of TCs who are located at MSIs to assist scholars (e.g., predoctoral or postdoctoral fellows or ESIs) with their preparedness to apply successfully and obtain NCI and other NIH funding and training opportunities. They will also work with institutional support staff to provide scholars with resources and networking opportunities to strengthen research rigor, professional development, peer networking, grantsmanship, and mentor-mentee relationships. Applicants should outline specific activities and expectations of the proposed TC(s). Examples include, but are not limited to the following:
- Educating scholars on how to locate and leverage relevant funding opportunities.
- Providing scholars with NCI and other applicable NIH and regional resources.
- Setting up a system to send targeted alerts about Institutional and NIH career development events/opportunities, webinars, workshops, and intramural/academic job opportunities.
- Developing or enhancing currently existing career development opportunities such as regional grant assistance workshops, mock reviews and opportunities to garner feedback from expert grant reviewers.
- Supporting scholar connections to NIH/NCI staff to strengthen and support submission and re-submission efforts, including direct introductions to program staff, review officers, grants management officials, and when available, IC leadership.
- Collaborating with other TCs, mentors, PIs, and scholars to develop, organize and implement career development training events (webinars of interest, meetings, and workshops).
- Connecting scholars with NIH Research Project Grant (RPG)-funded researchers who can assist with career development support and application development.
- Participating in opportunities to engage with other in-network TCs to discuss and identify best practices for scholar outreach, engagement, and program coordination.
- Maintaining close communication and coordination with the NCI training navigator team to enhance the impact of implemented strategies and work collaboratively with stakeholders to track and support scholars’ career progressions using local and regional networks.
- Supporting the creation of career development materials, tools, and resources to share with the broader academic community.
The TEAM program's strength also depends on resources and infrastructure that will be provided to the scholars at the institutional level. TEAM applicants are expected to propose programs that develop, adapt, or leverage and/or enhance existing technical and scientific short courses, promote grantsmanship and peer networking, provide structured mentored support, and encourage thoughtful collaborations and partnerships. TEAM will benefit NCI programs by increasing the pool of talented, well-prepared researchers. Additionally, widespread dissemination of the informational resources and curriculum developed through this FOA may enhance ongoing and future NCI supported training programs. These include programs such as the Continuing Umbrella of Research Experiences (CURE), the Comprehensive Partnerships to Advance Cancer Health Equity (PACHE), and the Early Investigator Advancement Program, along with both extramural and intramural scholars engaged in cancer and cancer health disparities research.
Applicants are encouraged to partner with other institutions such as medical schools, cancer centers, academic institutions (including other MSIs) and other groups (e.g., industry, community-based organizations, non-profits, etc.) that can serve to 1) increase access to potential participant pools 2) allow for more robust peer and professional networking 3) provide scholars with access to more qualified and committed mentors and 4) create opportunities to develop and adapt the innovative curriculum for scholars. The extent of any partnership(s) should be described thoroughly in the Research Education Program Plan (see Section IV. Application and Submission Information).
Application budgets are not limited but need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project.
February 10, 2023
Whitney (Barfield) Steward, Ph.D., National Cancer Institute (NCI), Telephone: 240-276-5729
Email: whitney.barfield@nih.gov