The Simons Foundation’s Mathematics and Physical Sciences division invites applications for its Travel Support for Mathematicians program, which is intended to stimulate collaboration in the field primarily through the funding of travel and related expenditures.
The goal of the program is to substantially increase collaborative contacts between accomplished, active mathematicians in the United States.
Basis for Travel Support
Funding will be based on the quality and significance of the applicant’s previous research and the likely impact the travel support will have on future research, both for the applicant and the applicant’s graduate students and/or postdoctoral fellows. Other criteria include publication in high-quality journals, the applicant’s current and recent Ph.D. students, as well as the applicant’s travel goals and general research activity.
Up to $8,400 in the form of a gift will be provided per year for up to five years, as follows:
$6,000 per year for travel and research expenses, at the sole discretion of the PI, such as:
Scientific travel by the PI, the PI’s graduate and Ph.D. students and other members of the PI’s department;
The expense of scientific visits, such as meals and travel to the PI’s home institution by the PI’s collaborators and other scientific visitors of interest to the PI;
Up to $1,500 per year may be used for other research expenses, such as computers, computer support, publication expenses, stationery, supplies, books and membership fees to professional organizations.
$1,000 per year, allocated towards discretionary funds, at the sole discretion of the PI’s department chair, to enhance its research atmosphere. Funds may be used for such expenses as:
Support for departmental colloquia and seminars, as well as refreshments and other research-related amenities;
Support for student orientations, prospective student visits and other departmental activities;
Subsidizing meals for faculty, students and visitors;
Furniture and research infrastructure, such as copiers, computer servers and computer support.
Letter of Intent:
Please contact the program director.
Full Proposal Submission Deadline:
January 31, 2024, at 12 p.m. (noon) EST.
Program or administrative questions:
Elizabeth Roy
Senior Manager for Programs and Administration
Technical questions:
Office Hours:
Monday–Friday, 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Eastern Time, except designated holidays.
Office Closures:
November 22–26, 2023,
December 23, 2023–January 1, 2024,
and January 15, 2024.