CTR Events
Featured Events
Center for Translational Research (CTR) Innovator Lunch with Atam Dhawan, Senior Vice Provost for Research and Executive Director, CTR and Shawn Chester, Associate Vice Provost for Research Collaborations and Partnerships and Associate Director, CTR
The Center for Translational Research (CTR) provides translational research seed grants and hosts workshops, networking and training programs that are designed to help faculty and students succeed in exploring the potential of their innovative research outcomes to address market and technology needs for societal benefits.
The CTR will host Innovator Lunch meetings with small groups from the NJIT community from 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM in the Faculty Dining Hall, 3rd Floor, Campus Center.
The Innovator Lunch meetings will provide NJIT faculty, staff and students the opportunity to ask questions, give feedback, and engage with the Center for Translational Research on their experiences, concerns, expectations and needs regarding funding, supporting translational research seed projects, developing innovation partnerships and commercialization pathways to further enhance NJIT’s Research, Innovation and Technology Entrepreneurship (RITE) ecosystem for tangible societal and economic impact.
While it is open to all members of the community, seats are limited to 5 each lunch meeting to allow personalized discussion. If you are interested in participating in this informal discussion, please submit this form. The CTR staff will follow up with you to confirm the date of your lunch meeting.
Questions may be directed to Iris Pantoja (
Forthcoming Events
CTR Workshop on Intellectual Property and Tech Transfer in Translational Research - Value Creation in Partnerships
Date and Venue: April 3, 2025, 9.00 AM – 3.00 PM; Atrium, Campus Center
This CTR workshop on Intellectual Property and Tech Transfer in Translational Research - Value Creation in Partnerships is schedule to be held on April 3, 2025 in the Capus Center Atrium. More information will be posted shortly.
CTR Workshop on Translational Research and Technology Innovations for PFAS Decontaminations
Date and Venue: April 24, 2025, 9.00 AM – 4.00 PM; Campus Center Atrium
The workshop attendees will have the opportunity to learn about recent developments and current and future challenges in PFAS decontamination technologies and associated regulatory policies for its societal impact from the leaders in industry, academia and government sectors. Featured keynote presentations and panel sessions include stimulative and interactive discussions from:
- Government leaders addressing PFAS challenges and specific actions to safeguard public health and environment including elected officials and federal, state, regional departments and agencies.
- Industry leaders pursuing the development of PFAS decontamination and management technologies at global and start-up companies.
- Leaders from major research foundation and private organizations.
- Experts in academia from NJIT, Princeton University, Rutgers University, Rowan University and Stevens Institute of Technology
In addition, the Industry-University-Community Showcase on Technology Innovations in PFAS Decontamination will feature more than 30 companies, academic research centers and laboratories, and global, national, state and regional utilities working in the cutting-edge of technology innovations and deployment for addressing the critical challenges of PFAS management in environment, soil, water, consumable products and infrastructure.
Past Events
Translational Research and Innovation Day with URI- CTR Advisory Board Meeting
Date and Venue: March 6, 2025, 9.30 AM – 4.00 PM; Atrium, Campus Center
The CTR-URI Innovation Day will feature presentations on work-in-progress by undergraduate students on their URI Student Seed Grant projects. The Innovation Day will also include a showcase with e-Poster presentations by the awardees of the 2024 Collaborative Early Research Translation (CERT) Seed Grants on their innovative projects funded by the Center for Translational Research which is supported by the Accelerating Research Translation (ART) program of the Technology, Innovation and Partnerships (TIP) directorate of the U.S. National Science Foundation. The showcase event will be followed by the combined meeting of the URI, TITA and CTR advisory boards
You will have the opportunity to learn about the URI Student Seed Grant and CERT Seed Grant funded projects. You will also have the opportunity to network with student and faculty presenters and URI, TITA (Technology Innovation Translation Acceleration) and CTR advisory board members to develop an understanding about the research and technology translation funding programs at NJIT and the type of projects that are funded by these programs. For more info click here
CTR Workshop on Intellectual Property and Tech Transfer in Translational Research
Date and Venue: November 21, 2024, 9.00 AM – 3.00 PM; CKB – Agile Lab
The CTR Workshop on Intellectual Property and Tech Transfer in Translational Research, held on November 21, 2024, at the CKB Agile Lab, was a well-attended event that attracted faculty, researchers, students, and external partners interested in advancing technology for societal benefit. The workshop, organized by the Center for Translational Research, aimed to enhance the research, innovation, and entrepreneurship ecosystem at NJIT through panel discussions and breakout sessions. Attendees had the opportunity to engage with experts on intellectual property (IP), tech transfer, licensing, and funding strategies, focusing on IP acquisition, patent processes, and the commercialization of innovations.
A key highlight was the Distinguished Keynote by Elizabeth Dougherty, Eastern Regional Outreach Director at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), who shared insights into the latest developments at the USPTO, including streamlined IP acquisition processes and recruitment opportunities for patent examiners. Additionally, participants gained valuable knowledge on NJIT's new Technology Transfer Office, engaging in discussions on licensing and enterprise development.
The event provided a platform for learning and networking, offering essential knowledge for those pursuing translational research and innovation, and creating pathways for future commercialization and societal impact. Read more and watch video recording.
CTR Workshop on Translational Research in Generative AI and Digital Twins: Design to Manufacturing
Date and Venue: October 22, 2024, 9.00 AM – 3.00 PM; Campus Center Atrium
This Center for Translational Research (CTR) workshop was focused on the translation of Generative AI and Digital Twins technologies to use-inspired applications, specifically in innovative design conceptualization, advanced manufacturing, quality control, and training and management processes optimizing the productivity, quality, cost and efficiency.
The CTR workshop featured a showcase of innovative translational research projects and technology development tools in Generative AI from academia and industry. Attendees had an opportunity to interact with distinguished panelist and experts to learn about potential translational research and industry-university partnership pathways in areas of machine learning, Generative AI and Digital Twin technologies of high societal and market impact.
For more information, click here
NSF ART Student Ambassador Network (ARTISAN) - Undergraduate Student Translational Research Presentation Workshop
ARTISAN, an initiative within the NSF ART program, has been developed with the purpose to connect and involve students attending higher education institutions in translational research, raise awareness to the importance of research and technology translation to use-inspired applications of high societal impact, and enhancing educational experience through innovation and community engagement. This initiative aims to foster a culture of innovative and entrepreneurial thinking, transforming attitudes towards research within the student body that serves the public good, both societally and economically.
The session was held on September 27, 2024, from 2:00-3:30PM EST remotely via Zoom
More information: Click here
Video: Click here
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)
Next January we celebrate the 58th year of HICSS (Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences). With an h-factor of 72, HICSS is among the world’s most cited conference proceedings, and over thirty top research journals consider HICSS-accepted papers for fast-track. Cesar Bandera, one of our Operations Committee members, has been chairing the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice Track since we formed it in 2016
For more information, click here
Research paper submission deadline: June 15, 2024 | 11:59 pm HST.
CTR Workshop on Pathways to Translational Research and Innovation Partnerships
Date and Venue: May 21, 2024, 9.00 AM – 3.30 PM; Atrium, Campus Center
Registration Link - <Click Here to Register by May 10, 2024>
Full Announcement and Additional Information Posted Here
Brief Description: The Center for Translational Research is committed to promoting excellence in collaborative research, innovation partnerships, entrepreneurial pathways, education, training and infrastructure development to translate technology into applications with a high societal and economic impact. To follow up on the CTR mission to enhance research, innovation and technology entrepreneurship ecosystem at NJIT, will host a workshop on pathways to translational research and innovation partnerships with panel discussion and breakout sessions for faculty, postdocs and students to interact with experts on early and advanced translational research, tech transfer, licensing and funding strategies for entrepreneurial activities.
Who Should Attend: Faculty, Research Staff, Undergraduate and Graduate Students and Post-Doc and External Partners who are pursuing or interested in translational research and innovation, technology development for use-inspired applications, market research and validation, pathways to entrepreneurship for technology translation from lab to commercialization for societal benefits.
Why You Should Attend: You will have the opportunity to listen from translational research and innovation, tech transfer, market validation, networking and impact assessment, and industry experts and entrepreneurs with successful start-ups companies. You will have opportunities to speak with them on 1-1 basis and in small groups at lunch and breakout sessions focused on specific topics in the complete spectrum of technology translation from lab to market. You will be able to discuss your issues with experts and ask questions about your technology translational research and development of innovation partnerships along with funding strategies for societal impact.
Distinguished Experts You will Meet and Interact:
- Translational Research and Tech Transfer Expert: Maria Rahmany, Adjunct Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Director - Business Development and Portfolio Management, Columbia University’s Technology Transfer office- Columbia Technology Ventures (CTV)
- Translational Research Partnership and Networking Expert: Pallavi Gupta, PD/COP LASER PULSE (USAID), Purdue University
- Collaboration, Partnership and Industry Expert: Pallavi Madakasira, Vice President at Phase Change Solutions, Mentor, Female Leaders in Energy (FLIE), Previous Managing Director - Clean Energy, New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA)
- Translational Research and Innovation Expert: Craig Arnold, Vice Dean of Innovation, Princeton University
NJIT Experts:
- Intellectual Property: Sanjiv M. Chokshi, Esq., Associate General Counsel
- : Michael van Ter Sluis, Vice President, Entrepreneurship, New Jersey Innovation Institute
- : Cesar Bandera, Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship, MTSM School of Management
- Innovation Acceleration, Market Research and Financial Investment: Michael Ehrlich, Associate Professor of Finance, MTSM School of Management
- DEIB Initiatives in Technology Translation and Partnerships: David Jones, Chief Diversity Officer
NJIT Research Centers Showcase and NAI-NJIT Workshop Series on Sustainable Societies – Advances in Material Science and Engineering
Date and Venue: March 21, 2024; 9.00 AM - 3.00 PM; Ballroom A & B
Event Description: Innovations in material science and engineering are fueling vital advances in diverse sectors, including healthcare, the environment, energy, infrastructure, computing and cyber-communications. The showcase will provide an open forum to discuss pathways for developing synergistic technology innovation partnerships enhancing translational research in advanced material science and engineering. The NAI Chapter-NJIT Forum and Research Showcase will feature:
Distinguished Keynote Talk by Pradeep Fulay, Program Director, Accelerating Research Translation (ART), National Science Foundation and Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Pittsburgh
Distinguished Panel Discussion on Material Science and Engineering Research for Technology Innovations Towards Addressing Global Challenges
Distinguished Student Panel Session on Translational Research in Material Science and Engineering
e-Poster sessions on ongoing research at institutes, centers and specialized laboratories from leading universities in the region.
More information: Click Here
Video: Click here
NSF ART Program Leadership and Principal Investigators (PIs) Kick off Meeting
Date and Venue: February 29 - March 1, 2024; George Mason University, Arlington
Event Description: NSF Technology and Innovation Partnerships (TIP) Directorate and its Accelerating Research Translation (ART) program organized and hosted the ART Kick-Off meeting of PIs, Co-PIs and IHE Partners to discuss the vision, mission and objectives of the ART Program and funded projects. The U.S. National Science Foundation just funded the first-ever Accelerating Research Translation (ART) investment — more than $100 million to 18 teams at academic institutions across the nation. NSF's investment will enable academic institutions to accelerate the pace and scale of translational research that will grow the nation's economy. For a copy of the meeting agenda, please click here.
Inauguration of NJIT Center for Translational Research and Advisory Boards Meeting
Date and Venue: February 21, 2024; CTR, VentureLink-II, NJIT
Event Description: NJIT received $6 million cooperative agreement funding from NSF to establish a Center for Translational Research (CTR) to enhance the translational research, innovation, and technology entrepreneurship ecosystem at NJIT. As an important part of the capacity building for translational research at NJIT, the CTR is being launched as the first step. The CTR will administer and expand NJIT’s Technology Innovation Translation Acceleration (TITA) seed funding program, and organize workshops, training and networking, and collaborative partnership programs to further promote translational research and innovation. Princeton University is mentoring IHE on the cooperative agreement to help steer and assess CTR programs. The Princeton University (PU) team will be led by Dr. Craig Arnold, Vice Dean of Innovation. For a copy of the meeting agenda, please click here.
PCS-NJIT CTR Forum: Role of Advanced Engineered Materials in Decarbonization
Date and Venue: February 15, 2024; 11.00 AM - 3.00 PM; Agile Strategy Lab, NJIT
Event Description: The industry-university partnership forum , cosponsored by Phase Change Solutions (PCS) and NJIT Center for Translational Research (CTR) focused on keynote session, open discussion and a panel session with leading experts from industry and academia on the role of advanced engineered materials in reducing the carbon footprints and future trends in translational research of applications of advanced materials in energy conversion and sustainable infrastructure. The agenda information is posted here.