NJIT Implementation of Recent Executive Orders
Research NewsletterIssue: ORN-2022-33
NJIT Research Newsletter includes recent awards, and announcements of research related seminars, webinars, national and federal research news related to research funding, and Grant Opportunity Alerts (with links to sections). The Newsletter is posted on the NJIT Research Website https://research.njit.edu/funding-opportunities.
Breakfast with Interim Provost Atam Dhawan
Informal breakfast sessions with small groups from the NJIT community will be hosted by the Interim Provost each Tuesday from 8.30 AM to 10.00 AM at the University Club, Eberhardt Building. These breakfasts will provide NJIT faculty, staff and students the opportunity to ask questions, give feedback, and engage with the Interim Provost on their experiences, concerns, expectations and needs. While it is open to all members of the community, seats are limited each week. If you are interested in participating in this informal discussion, please submit this form. The Office of the Provost will follow up with you to confirm the date of your breakfast session.
A Message from the NSF TIP Directorate’s Leadership
As you may know, NSF was pleased to establish TIP, the agency’s first new directorate in more than three decades, earlier this year. The establishment of TIP is a once-in-a-generation opportunity: we will strive to accelerate the pace of innovation and translation in emerging technologies, address the pivotal societal and economic challenges of our time, and engage the diverse talent that exists in our country. Working collaboratively with the rest of the Foundation, other federal agencies, state, local, and tribal governments, academics, the private sector, nonprofits, civil society, and investors, TIP will ensure the nation remains in the vanguard of competitiveness for decades to come.
And this week was just as momentous for us: President Biden signed into law the bipartisan CHIPS and Science Act of 2022, which officially authorizes the TIP directorate and a number of our investments, including the NSF Regional Innovation Engines program (see below for details on that effort).
We invite you all to join us as we embark on this new adventure – we stand on the cusp of a transformational moment for NSF, for the science, engineering and education enterprise that we serve, and for the nation. But ultimately, our ability to advance use-inspired and translational research will rest on the depth and persistence of your engagement; this endeavor requires all of us – researchers, practitioners, technicians, educators, entrepreneurs, and students – to iteratively co-design and co-create the new technologies and solutions of tomorrow.
More information about TIP is posted on the website https://beta.nsf.gov/tip/about-tip. The updates are posted on the website https://beta.nsf.gov/tip/updates.
Lastly, if you have feedback – about the mission and vision for TIP, about our programs, or about our communications including this newsletter, please do reach out to us directly!
Erwin Gianchandani
NSF Assistant Director for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships
Gracie Narcho
NSF Deputy Assistant Director for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships
NSF: Advanced Technologies and Instrumentation for the Astronomical Sciences (ATI); Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL); NSF Earth Sciences Postdoctoral Fellowships (EAR-PF); Astronomy and Astrophysics Research Grants (AAG); Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Biology (PRFB)
NIH: The Early Detection Research Network: Clinical Validation Centers (U01); Building Infrastructure for Precision Medicine Research on Minority Health and Disparities in Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and AD-Related Dementias (ADRD) (UH2/UH3)
Department of Defense/US Army/DARPA/ONR: Next-Generation Microelectronics Manufacturing (NGMM); DoD Traumatic Brain Injury and Psychological Health, Investigator Initiated Research Award; Defense Sciences Office (DSO) Office-wide BAA
Department of Transportation: UTC Program Competition 2022-2026 Grants
Department of Agriculture: Conservation Reserve Program Decision Support Tools
Department of Labor: Targeted Topic Training
Department of Commerce/EDA: Climate Program Office Research; Ocean Exploration Fiscal Year 2023 Funding Opportunity; FY2021 to FY2023 NOAA Broad Agency Announcement (BAA)
Department of Energy: Research, Development, and Demonstration Funding Opportunity Announcement (FY 2022); Request for Information on the Department of Energy’s Critical Materials Research, Development, Demonstration, and Commercialization Program; Innovative Methane Measurement, Monitoring, and Mitigation Technologies (iM4 Technologies); Innovative Request for Information on Advanced Energy Manufacturing and Recycling Grant Program; Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) Solar and Wind Grid Services and Reliability Demonstration
NASA: Weather and Atmospheric Dynamics; ROSES 2022: Living with a Star Science
National Endowment of Humanities: Digital Humanities Advancement Grants; Summer Stipends
Private Foundations: Sony Research Award Programs; Global Partnerships and Grand Challenges
The climate, energy and health care bill: Clean energy supporters called the bill historic. In addition to a massive investment in renewable energy and electric vehicles, it provides support for technologies such as carbon capture and storage and zero-carbon fuels, and includes a fee to curtail methane emissions, as well as some trade-offs that boost fossil fuels. Forecasters have projected that the climate package as a whole could help put the U.S. on track to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about 40% by 2030 compared to 2005 levels – still short of the Biden administration’s goal of a 50% reduction, but closer. But for the U.S. to hit those goals, electric vehicles will have to replace fossil-fueled vehicles by the millions. A realistic EV tax credit that allows time for manufacturers to diversify their supply chains and makes these vehicles more affordable for all Americans will be crucial. The proposed policy risks short-circuiting EV tax credits just when they are needed most.
Biden Signs CHIPS Act, Touts Investment In US Manufacturing: President Biden on Tuesday “signed into law a sprawling $280 billion bill aimed at bolstering American chip manufacturing to address global supply chain issues and counter the rising influence of China, part of a renewed effort by the White House to galvanize its base around a recent slate of legislative victories.” According to the Times, “The bipartisan compromise showed a rare consensus in a deeply divided Washington, reflecting the sense of urgency among both Republicans and Democrats for an industrial policy that could help the United States compete with China.” The Times adds that the President “said the bill was proof that bipartisanship in Washington could produce legislation that would build up a technology sector, lure semiconductor manufacturing back to the United States and eventually create thousands of new American jobs.” CNN reports Biden called the CHIPS and Science Act a “once-in-a-generation investment in America itself.” The bill—officially known as the CHIPS and Science Act—became law yesterday. It will provide $52 billion to subsidize U.S. semiconductor manufacturing and billions in additional funding for emerging technology research and development. More information is posted on the NextGov website.
Energy Asks for New R&D in Critical Materials for Clean Energy: The Department of Energy launched its new request for information days after the passage of the CHIPS Act. The Department of Energy issued a new request for information that seeks to spur the development of more research on how to fortify the U.S.’s transition to a clean energy infrastructure, examining gaps in supply chains that process critical minerals. The agency’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy posted the RFI asking potential contractors for expert help to study alternative materials that support cleaner energy production. Other parts of the contract seek to diversify waste streams from energy usage, study decreases in overall energy consumption and analyze the market impacts of clean energy technology implementation. Some of the critical minerals that will play a major role in the development of clean energy systems include lithium, nickel and cobalt. A portion of Energy’s research of critical minerals and elements for clean energy infrastructure is funded by President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Funding specifically for researching rare earth elements and critical minerals for sustainable energy was initially established within the Energy Act of 2020. More information is posted on the NextGov website.
- National Science Foundation
- National Science Foundation
- National Science Foundation
- National Science Foundation
National Science Foundation
National Institutes of Health
Department of Defense
Department of Transportation
Department of Agriculture
Department of Labor
Department of Commerce/EDA
Environmental Protection Agency
Department of Energy
National Endowment for the Humanities
Private Foundations
Question: Can I generate budgets for multiple years from the Year-1 budget in Streamlyne?
Answer: Yes! You only need to input the Year-1 budget and then click on the “generate all periods” button. Stremalyne will create budget sheets for the remaining periods. You can then go to “summary” under the budget tab to review budget sheets for all periods. You can also change specific budget items that you allocated in Year-1 but you do not want to continue them in the following periods.
More FAQs on Streamlyne: Please visit http://www.njit.edu/research/streamlyne/
The NJIT Proposal Submission Guidelines and Policy provides the expected institutional timeline for proposal submission. Streamlyne User Manuals are posted on https://research.njit.edu/streamlyne. For contact information on proposal submission, pre-award services and post-award grant management, please visit research website https://research.njit.edu/researchers and https://research.njit.edu/contact.