Undergraduate Research and Innovation (URI) Program
The Undergraduate Research and Innovation (URI) program has evolved as a significant part of the education and research experience at NJIT. These programs are offered annually to promote undergraduate research, innovation, and to educate these students on how to take future leadership roles and be highly competitive in the global market.
NJIT 2030 Strategic Plan emphasizes providing undergraduate students an outstanding education integrated with research and innovation experience to enable them to succeed and take leadership roles in society. The Undergraduate Research and Innovation (URI) program has evolved as a significant part of the education and research experience at NJIT.
NJIT 2030 Strategic Plan emphasizes on providing undergraduate students an outstanding education integrated with research and innovation experience to enable them to succeed and take leadership roles in the society. The Undergraduate Research and Innovation (URI) program has evolved as a significant part of the interdisciplinary education, research and innovation experience at NJIT.
The NJIT campus offers student, faculty and community based entrepreneurs access to training and other resources that are designed to help them make their new ventures succeed. NJIT hosts the Enterprise Development Center, innumerable classes whose main focus is innovation and the commercialization of new technologies, a plethora of award-winning staff and faculty members, modern facilities designed to spur creativity, specialized equipment, and contact with influential business people who are keenly interested in developing entrepreneurial potential.