The Dimension ICON can perform many major AFM modes in its standard configuration: Contact, Tapping, Noncontact, and PeakForce with ScanAsyst imaging modes are included as are Phase imaging, LFM, MFM, EFM, Piezo Response, Force spectroscopy, Force volume, Surface Potential (AM-KFPM), Lift Mode, and Torsional Resistance.
PeakForce mode is unique to Bruker AFM, and provides direct force control, as low as 50 pN, resulting in higher resolution and longer tip life for both air and fluid imaging. PeakForce mode enables several unique capabilities:
ScanAsyst provides automated image parameter adjustment in PeakForce mode without the need to tune the cantilever, or adjust setpoint, gain, or scan rate in air or fluid environments. ScanAsyst will adapt to changes in topography by adjusting parameters during the scan.
PeakForce QNM gives simultaneous quantitative mechanical mapping of modulus, adhesion, deformation, and energy dissipation.
PeakForce Capture collects every force curve for each pixel during a QNM scan.
PeakForce TUNA uses PeakForce mode to give high resolution conductive AFM images on fragile samples such as nanotubules and nanoparticles that are not possible to obtain with normal contact mode C-AFM.
PeakForce KPFM, is more accurate, repeatable, and provides higher resolution than standard Surface Potential (AM-KPFM) using Tapping mode.
PeakForce KFPM uses ScanAsyst KPFM to automatically adjust the KPFM parameters, making this method significantly easier to use.
The PeakForce package provides 5 methods of Kelvin Probe/Surface Potential to measure work function and charge, including a method that measures potentials up to 200V.
PeakForce mode is easier to operate in fluid than resonant modes like Tapping or noncontact, and works well for biological imaging in liquid environments.