Research NewsletterIssue: ORN-2022-28
NJIT Research Newsletter includes recent awards, and announcements of research related seminars, webinars, national and federal research news related to research funding, and Grant Opportunity Alerts (with links to sections). The Newsletter is posted on the NJIT Research Website
Breakfast with Interim Provost Atam Dhawan
Informal breakfast sessions with small groups from the NJIT community will be hosted by the Interim Provost each Tuesday from 8.30 AM to 10.00 AM at the University Club, Eberhardt Building. These breakfasts will provide NJIT faculty, staff and students the opportunity to ask questions, give feedback, and engage with the Interim Provost on their experiences, concerns, expectations and needs. While it is open to all members of the community, seats are limited each week. If you are interested in participating in this informal discussion, please submit this form. The Office of the Provost will follow up with you to confirm the date of your breakfast session.
NSF: Partnership to Advance Conservation Science and Practice (PACSP); Computational and Data-Enabled Science and Engineering in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (CDS&E-MSS); Mathematical Biology Program; Paleo Perspectives on Present and Projected Climate (P4CLIMATE); Condensed Matter and Materials Theory (CMMT); Division of Materials Research: Topical Materials Research Programs (DMR:TMRP); Synthesis Center for Molecular and Cellular Sciences (SCMCS); Division of Chemistry: Disciplinary Research Programs: No Deadline Pilot (CHE-DRP:NDP)
NIH: Point-of-Care Technologies Research Network: Technology Research and Development Centers (TRDC) (U54); Institutional Research and Academic Career Development Awards (IRACDA) (K12); BRAIN Initiative: Transformative Brain Non-invasive Imaging Technology Development (UG3/UH3); Modern Equipment for Shared-use Biomedical Research Facilities: Advancing Research-Related Operations (R24); Muscular Dystrophy Specialized Research Centers (MDSRC) (P50)
Department of Defense/US Army/DARPA/ONR: DoD Traumatic Brain Injury and Psychological Health, Investigator Initiated Research Award; Minerva Research Initiative’s (Minerva) Defense Education and Civilian University Research (DECUR) Partnership; Defense Sciences Office (DSO) Office-wide BAA; FY22 DEFENSE ESTABLISHED PROGRAM TO STIMULATE COMPETITIVE RESEARCH (DEPSCoR) – RESEARCH COLLABORATION (RC)
Department of Transportation: Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program (DDETFP) Graduate Fellowship; UTC Program Competition 2022-2026 Grants
Department of Agriculture: Conservation Reserve Program Decision Support Tools
Department of Labor: Targeted Topic Training
Department of Commerce/EDA: Ocean Exploration Fiscal Year 2023 Funding Opportunity; FY2021 to FY2023 NOAA Broad Agency Announcement (BAA)
Department of Energy: Stewardship Science Academic Alliances Program Centers of Excellence; Clean Energy Manufacturing Innovation Institute for Industrial Decarbonization through Electrification of Process Heating; Basic Energy Sciences - Reaching a New Energy Sciences Workforce (BES-RENEW)
NASA: University Leadership Initiative (ULI); ROSES 2022: Living with a Star Science; Space Technology Research Institutes Appendix
National Endowment of Humanities: Humanities Connections; Public Humanities Projects; Summer Stipends
Private Foundations: Sony Research Award Programs; Global Partnerships and Grand Challenges
USPTO Works to Modernize Patent Processing with AI: Artificial intelligence algorithms will play a critical role in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s intellectual property classification system, part of the agency’s plan to streamline patent processing. As many other federal organizations look to integrate emerging technologies and AI in their daily operations, USPTO Chief Information Officer Jamie Holcombe emphasized that his agency will tailor new algorithms based on human feedback to improve the patent processing experience. “Instead of searching in a large way, like Google, we create searches that are unique to each of the individual examiners,” Holcombe told Nextgov. “So actually, the AI is an augmentation of the examiner, not a replacement for an extension of the tools in his own head.” AI is helping the agency categorize inventions, and their claims, in part by sifting data that could be relevant across as many as 250,000 categories. Holcombe said better data ultimately leads to better AI, and added that cleaning up “dirty data” is important to optimize AI. Humans remain in the loop as well. More information is posted on the NextGov website.
DC-QNet Research Will Work to Develop Quantum Network Infrastructure: Following the announcement of the formation of the Washington Metropolitan Quantum Network Research Consortium by federal agencies in June, experts working on the initiative said that fortifying U.S. communication networks ahead of the advent of quantum computing is top priority. Speaking with Nextgov, Gerald Borsuk, the DC-QNet executive director, said that a vast variety of fields could be impacted by the consortium's research, but the telecommunications sector stands to be the first industry to be safeguarded against post-quantum technologies. “DC-QNet has the potential to affect a range of industries and fields over time,” Borsuk told Nextgov. “However, it is fair to say that telecommunications will likely be impacted as quantum networks are deployed alongside classical networks for secure communications and precision time distribution.” The research intends to develop quantum networks which will be initially deployed at the consortium’s laboratories. Borsuk explained that fully functional quantum networks are in the early stages of scientific discovery and estimated a five to 10 year timeframe of development.
More information is posted on the NextGov website.
Energy Awards $14 Million to Improve Climate Change Modeling: According to the weather experts at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the total financial impacts of extreme weather events over the past five years—more than $740 billion—have been the most costly on record. To deal with the escalation of extreme weather events, the Energy Department announced Thursday $14 million in funding for 22 projects focused on improving climate change predictions and modeling. The projects, spread across 11 states, the District of Columbia and Canada, will be carried out by staff at 18 universities and two research organizations. More information is posted on the NextGov website.
- National Science Foundation
- National Science Foundation
- National Science Foundation
- National Science Foundation
National Science Foundation
National Institutes of Health
Department of Defense
Department of Transportation
Department of Agriculture
Department of Labor
Department of Commerce/EDA
Environmental Protection Agency
Department of Energy
National Endowment for the Humanities
Private Foundations
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